Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Negotiating Compensation

I am asked daily by my career transition clients what is the best way to negotiate compensation?

Timing is key. In salary negotiations, the one who mentions money first loses. For a new job, never negotiate salary or other benefits until you have an offer of employment. Even when you have the offer, if you want to negotiate, first speak about your desire to join the organization and how pleased you are to have received the offer. You want to focus on your future contributions to the company before money discussions start.

A great business practice is to "under promise" and "over deliver". If you can't communicate what you have done to impact your former employer and what you intend to do to impact your future employer, you'll lose in negotiations. Think in terms of revenues, time saved, resources preserved, problems solved, and opportunities or new products created. In you can assign a value in terms of your contributions, you'll enhance your negotiating stance.

Work toward a Win/Win situation. Focus on mutual goals. You never want your future employer to think that you are "playing hardball" in the negotiations unless you truly intend to walk away. If you have that attitude, you may want to reconsider accepting this offer no matter what the compensation.

If you don't get all you want, don't take it personally or become upset. Most of the time companies have salary ranges that they must stay within. Remember to look at the big picture. There should be so many things that are important to you in a position in addition to the compensation. Look at all the benefits and especially how this experience contributes to your own development and skills set.

Finally, celebrate your new position and get to work. You have a lot to accomplish in your new position.

Xodus Advantage serves as expert partners to individuals from the time they contemplate a potential career/job change, through the planning and transition phases. We specialize in making the change process positive and practical by empowering the individual to excel in their job campaign strategies. We are committed to seeing a successful career transition.When individuals find themselves on the job market or interested in a career transition, they are typically very uncertain. It is always nice to offer them the “voice of calm” plus real-world practical strategies to accelerate their down time during the transition.

For a free 30 minute consultation, please contact:
Lori Harbeck -
Janet Blumen -

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