Friday, April 17, 2009

Thought Provoking Questions

The following questions are courtesy of my friend, Andy Andrews. As you are going through a career transition, take some time to think about these questions. You might be surprised what you come up with for yourself!

1) What is the "right" age for accomplishing my greatest dream?
2) Do I hear the laughter and believe the doubters when I am mocked for expecting life's very best?
3) What great possibility have I forced myself to stop considering?
4) Who will be inspired or benefit directly when I succeed?
5) When will right now become the best time to begin?

Xodus Advantage serves as expert partners to individuals from the time they contemplate a potential career/job change, through the planning and transition phases. We specialize in making the change process positive and practical by empowering the individual to excel in their job campaign strategies. We are committed to seeing a successful career transition.
When individuals find themselves on the job market or interested in a career transition, they are typically very uncertain. It is always nice to offer them the “voice of calm” plus real-world practical strategies to accelerate their down time during the transition.

For a free 30 minute consultation, please contact:
Lori Harbeck -
Janet Blumen -

Thank you for putting Xodus Advantage on your job search team!

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